Spiritual Guidelines 3: Think Good, See Good, Hear Good, Speak Good and Do Good

All religion teaches people to be a good person, to be good with our neighbours or any strangers and to be good in the way we treat others, as we would like to have them treat us. Doing good is scientifically proven to make us feel good, leading to happiness, good physical and mental health, reduces stress and helps us to live longer. Xian Sheng also stressed on the quality of “Good” and gave us the 3rd Spiritual Guidelines to guide us how to Think Good, to See and Hear Good enabling us to speak and Do Good. Good in the context of BAITIANGONG means that our thoughts and actions are in harmony with the Spiritual Guidelines. We would have to understand and practice Fear Nothing except the CREATOR(1)Fear Nothing except The CREATOR. Transcript Date: 1988-05-22, Transcript Date: 1993-08-06, Transcript Date: 1997-01-26 before we can apply Think Good, See Good, Hear Good, Speak Good and Do Good and similarly for the rest of the Spiritual Guidelines. In order to practice the five principles of Think Good, See Good, Hear Good, Speak Good and Do Good, we must not be envious of another person’s well-being, selfish, bias or pessimistic in thoughts and actions. Instead we should adopt a humble, honest and positive attitude towards others.

When we are faced with an upcoming examination, whether it’s a school or university examination or examination for a job or to allow us to join certain organisations, we know that we must prepare ourselves to pass that examination with good results. We will use our eyes to search for information in books or from the Internet to help us, our ears to listen to the teachers or lecturers and our mind to think and process all that information. If we search and hear the wrong information, our minds will process the wrong information, and we will fail the examination. If we were examined in a scientific experiment and we thought of a wrong methodology to implement that experiment, we would search for the wrong information and listened to the wrong lectures, resulting in doing a failed experiment.

Think Good about and appreciate the existence of the CREATOR

The Prayer to Pray to the CREATOR tells us that “All and more than that are GOD’s creation” and man as part of GOD’s creation have the consciousness to know that a supreme being more powerful than them exist that created heaven for the deserving and hell to punish the sinful.(2)Consciousness and to be worthy of your conscience. Transcript Date: 1995-06-03 Time: 21:46:03 to 21:48:25, Transcript Date: 1999-08-06 Time: 22:13:42 to 22:19:59 Unfortunately, with the passage of time and the advancement of science and technology in the modern society, man’s consciousness of GOD’s existence has been relegated to the confines of religious beliefs, superstition and outdated explanations for disasters that occurred naturally in the past. It no longer has an important role to play in today’s complex political and socioeconomic environment.

The thinking that GOD does not exist is not a sin nor is it a bad or evil thought. People go through different stages of life and they have to prioritise what is important to them in those stages. Xian Sheng stated that people would have many opportunities in life to come to the realisation of the existence of the CREATOR. However, if that realisation does not have any political, economic or social benefit to them in that stage of their lives, they will just ignore, compartmentalise or dismiss such consciousness as idle thoughts. However, if a person realises that their death is imminent whether it’s due to old age or terminal sickness, they would not easily dismiss such consciousness, but start thinking more seriously about it. Sometimes, people just kept pushing away such consciousness so frequently that the consciousness stops coming to those people altogether.(3)Consciousness and to be worthy of your conscience. Transcript Date: 1995-06-03 Time: 21:46:03 to 21:48:25, Transcript Date: 1999-08-06 Time: 22:13:42 to 22:19:59 To Think Good in this context is to allow ourselves the opportunity to realise the existence of the CREATOR by using our faculties to see and look for good information, to Hear Good arguments about GOD, to ask relevant and pertinent questions about GOD and to finally Do Good by kneeling down to pray to the CREATOR. However, if a person fears death and illness, a person may resort to bad thoughts and look for mediums or spiritualist and listen to them in worshipping deities or the devil in order to prolong their lives.

Unexamined life

Socrates famous dictum, “The unexamined life is not worth living” costs him his own life as he was sentenced to death for holding fast to this view. He claims that only in striving to come to know ourselves and to understand ourselves then our lives will have any meaning or value. This dictum is in line with Xian Sheng’s teaching that we live to go through an examination in life because if we live a life ignorant of this fact, no matter how successful or whatever good we would do, our lives would still have been wasted as we fail to enter heaven upon our death.(4)Examination in Life. Transcript Date3: 1981-10-03, Transcript Date: 1994-11-06 Time: 18:27:29 to 18:27:53 But if we realised that we are undergoing an examination in life, we would face the trials and tribulations of the various stages in life using Think Good, See Good, Hear Good, Speak Good and Do Good to resolve the issues as we know that we need to pass them successfully.

In the early 80’s when Xian Sheng and the BAITIANGONG movement was going through a tough period, Xian Sheng recalled the actions of police officers tasked to investigate him with the intention to charge him in court and to arrest him. The police officers had to resort to think evil to create false charges by looking for evil ways to implicate Xian Sheng. They spoke to the senior members of BAITIANGONG and listen for evil ways to implement their plans and finally did the evil deed of alleging that Xian Sheng committed the charges of cheating RM300, 000 from followers, cheating several females and instigating followers to intimidate and assault ex-followers who opposed him.(5)Fear injustice of law or losing jobs. Transcript Date: 1992-12-20 Time: 17:47:35 to 17:48:40, Transcript Date: 1993-08-06, Transcript Date: 1994-11-06 Time: 18:27:56 to 18:29:26, Transcript Date: 1995-11-25 Time: 08:31:25 to 08:33:44, Transcript Date: 1998-08-23 Time: 16:49:11 to 16:55:30, Transcript Date: 1998-11-20 Time: 23:10:44 to 23:20:13 (6)Cheat or lie. Transcript Date: 1988-05-22, Transcript Date: 1993-08-15, Transcript Date: 1995-01-07, Transcript Date: 1998-12-29 Time: 20:02:09 to 20:06:17, Transcript Date: 1999-09-19 Time: 17:45:22 to 17:50:45, Transcript Date: 1999-12-25 Time: 11:35:47 to 11:38:44, Transcript Date: 1999-xx-xx Time: 13:06:00 to 15:34:00, Transcript Date: 2000-01-16 Time: 18:30:46 to 18:33:37

A police officer that Fear Nothing except the CREATOR would have investigated Xian Sheng without any preconceived ideas in his mind. He would have look at the evidence and heard from the witnesses with the good intention to discern truth from lies. He would speak the truth in court if Xian Sheng is found innocent of any fraudulent acts and would do his best to uphold the law as he was sworn to do as a police officer. This police officer could only be able to Think Good, See Good, Hear Good, Speak Good and Do Good if he fears to lie, fears to cheat, fears to implicate an innocent person over his fear of losing his job or fear of punishment from his superiors and fear any reprisal from doing his job.(7)Fear injustice of law or losing jobs. Transcript Date: 1992-12-20 Time: 17:47:35 to 17:48:40, Transcript Date: 1993-08-06, Transcript Date: 1994-11-06 Time: 18:27:56 to 18:29:26, Transcript Date: 1995-11-25 Time: 08:31:25 to 08:33:44, Transcript Date: 1998-08-23 Time: 16:49:11 to 16:55:30, Transcript Date: 1998-11-20 Time: 23:10:44 to 23:20:13 (8)Cheat or lie. Transcript Date: 1988-05-22, Transcript Date: 1993-08-15, Transcript Date: 1995-01-07, Transcript Date: 1998-12-29 Time: 20:02:09 to 20:06:17, Transcript Date: 1999-09-19 Time: 17:45:22 to 17:50:45, Transcript Date: 1999-12-25 Time: 11:35:47 to 11:38:44, Transcript Date: 1999-xx-xx Time: 13:06:00 to 15:34:00, Transcript Date: 2000-01-16 Time: 18:30:46 to 18:33:37 An examined life in BAITIANGONG’s context would mean a life of praying to the CREATOR, Fear Nothing except the CREATOR and Think Good, See Good, Hear Good, Speak Good and Do Good.

Good Consciousness vs. Bad or Evil Consciousness

The CREATOR creates all consciousness for us.(9)Consciousness and to be worthy of your conscience. Transcript Date: 1995-06-03 Time: 21:46:03 to 21:48:25, Transcript Date: 1999-08-06 Time: 22:13:42 to 22:19:59 The age-old question of the purpose of life has been answered by Xian Sheng, and that is, “We live to go through an examination in life, and we die to live.”  The sufferings experienced in one’s Examination in Life is regarded as insignificant; when one begins to comprehend that we live to go through an Examination in Life and we die to live.(10)Examination in Life. Transcript Date: 1981-10-03, Transcript Date: 1994-11-06 Time: 18:27:29 to 18:27:53 Obstacles, setbacks, hardships, rejection, dejection, disappointment, failure, grief, death, mistakes, illnesses or infirmity are but some of the vicissitudes one learns to come to terms with in life.(11)Examination in Life. Transcript Date: 1981-10-03, Transcript Date: 1994-11-06 Time: 18:27:29 to 18:27:53

The CREATOR created man and endowed man with a mind that possesses the highest intelligence amongst all of the CREATOR’s creation and blesses man with the freedom of choice to decide the path that he will take in life.(12)Freedom of choice to listen to saint or devil. Transcript Date: 1994-11-06 Time: 18:27:29 to 18:29:26 However, as part of his examination in life, man has to choose between the good consciousness and bad or evil consciousness that is ever present in his consciousness.

Shoulder angel is an iconography used to depict a person’s inner conflict with his consciousness. It illustrates that everyone has an angel that hovers above the right shoulder and a devil that hovers above the left shoulder, influencing their thoughts and action. In the context of BAITIANGONG, the angel represents the good consciousness while the devil represents the evil consciousness.(13)Freedom of choice to listen to saint or devil. Transcript Date: 1994-11-06 Time: 18:27:29 to 18:29:26 Xian Sheng gave an example of two friends that went to Thailand to illustrate the shoulder angel dilemma.(14)Consciousness and to be worthy of your conscience. Transcript Date: 1995-06-03 Time: 21:46:03 to 21:48:25, Transcript Date: 1999-08-06 Time: 22:13:42 to 22:19:59

Two friends A and B plans to go to Thailand. A’s good consciousness tells him not to go, but his evil consciousness tells him to proceed with the plan. A’s good consciousness tells him there are pretty girls in Malaysia too while his evil consciousness tells him the Thai girls are much prettier. A’s good consciousness and evil consciousness continuously debates inside his mind until A decided to proceed with their plan.

When they reach Thailand, A’s good consciousness tells him that there are AIDS while his evil consciousness tells him to enjoy first and worry about AIDS later. B tells him to join him in the brothel by ridiculing him that A is not man enough to join him. Sometimes evil consciousness can come externally from a friend like B. When they reached the brothel, A hesitated as his good consciousness tells him to stop. Once again, B acts as the external evil consciousness and pays for his friend. Since the girl has been paid for, the decision became easier and A succumbed to his evil consciousness.(15)Consciousness and to be worthy of your conscience. Transcript Date: 1995-06-03 Time: 21:46:03 to 21:48:25, Transcript Date: 1999-08-06 Time: 22:13:42 to 22:19:59 (16)Freedom of choice to listen to saint or devil. Transcript Date: 1994-11-06 Time: 18:27:29 to 18:29:26

Another example is an employee is instructed by the company management to manipulate the accounts. He knows executing the instruction would be unethical. However, he also fears dismissal and the grim prospect of unemployment mounting to his woes. What should he do?

His good consciousness would would reject the management’s order. His bad consciousness on the other hand, would play on his fear.(17)Consciousness and to be worthy of your conscience. Transcript Date: 1995-06-03 Time: 21:46:03 to 21:48:25, Transcript Date: 1999-08-06 Time: 22:13:42 to 22:19:59 (18)Freedom of choice to listen to saint or devil. Transcript Date: 1994-11-06 Time: 18:27:29 to 18:29:26 Even going the extra mile to justify that management’s order is legitimate. (False justification: Everybody is doing it, so what is wrong if I do it?). Third party influence may fuel the aggravation, supplying fallacies to cloud his better judgement.

Good consciousness and evil consciousness can be internal or external or even comes from dreams and visions. Sometimes in our dreams, a voice would tempt us or coerce us to go against or deviate from the Spiritual Guidelines, for example, to pray to idols, to eat when we are fasting, or to kneel down to robbers. The struggle between good and evil rages on inside our minds consciously and subconsciously, but ultimately, we will have to decide. That is why we are human, devil and saint all bundled together as we can either follow the devil or follow the saints.(19)Consciousness and to be worthy of your conscience. Transcript Date: 1995-06-03 Time: 21:46:03 to 21:48:25, Transcript Date: 1999-08-06 Time: 22:13:42 to 22:19:59 (20)Freedom of choice to listen to saint or devil. Transcript Date: 1994-11-06 Time: 18:27:29 to 18:29:26

Think Good

Think Good means that we must choose to listen to our good consciousness. Whenever we need to make a decision, whether to return a dropped wallet on the street or to bribe the traffic officer or to keep the extra change the customer forgot to take or to lie to our parents about our school report card results, we must choose to listen to our good consciousness and do what is right. If we keep on choosing to listen to our good consciousness, it will become more prominent and we will no longer be stressed by the internal debate inside our mind.(21)Consciousness and to be worthy of your conscience. Transcript Date: 1995-06-03 Time: 21:46:03 to 21:48:25, Transcript Date: 1999-08-06 Time: 22:13:42 to 22:19:59

Think Good is also to give virtuous thoughts before embarking on any undertakings. For example, when we start a career in politics, we must decide to put the interest of the nation and the citizen ahead of ours. As a politician, we are going to face many obstacles, but we will Think Good, See Good, Hear Good, Speak Good and Do Good to overcome them. Think Good means that we must practise sacrifice, honour, respect, patience, perseverance and trust to deal with strangers that we meet in the line of work regardless of their political party, ideology, race, religion, gender or social status.

Think Good also means to think positive. The idiom “look on the bright side” tells us to find good things in a bad situation. If our constituents complain about the lack of jobs, lack of good housing, lack of good education, lack of good infrastructures like roads, drainage, transportation etc., we should be happy as this would be the opportunity to serve the citizens by introducing valid and needed development projects to improve the living standards and livelihood. Think Good means not to look for commissions or to appoint cronies or practice nepotism when carrying out our duties.

Xian Sheng stressed that GOD created us with a body consisting of many cells forming the organs and a complex nervous system that we should take good care of. Think Good will influence us to see and hear about food that is good for us and so that we eat what is good for our body. If we do otherwise, we may end up with an unhealthy body. Even when it comes to taking cough medicine, we have to limit the intake and follow the prescribed amount so that it is good for our body.(22)To eat and think it is good. Transcript Date: 1993-06-27 If we are upset and try to drown our sorrows by drinking and lost control of ourself, we may become more emotionally upset and frustrated that our evil consciousness overrides our good consciousness that we end up saying and doing things that we will regret after we become sober.(23)Consciousness and to be worthy of your conscience. Transcript Date: 1995-06-03 Time: 21:46:03 to 21:48:25, Transcript Date: 1999-08-06 Time: 22:13:42 to 22:19:59

“Mens Sana in Corpore Sano” is a Latin phrase that translates to a healthy mind in a healthy body. The mind-body connection is a well research field that demonstrates that our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes can positively or negatively affect our biological functioning. In other words, our minds can affect how healthy our bodies are. A psychosomatic disorder is an illness that connects the mind and body. This occurs in such a way that the physiological functioning of the body is affected by the psychological tensions that either cause a disease or worsen the pre-existing disease in a person. Every cell in our body has GOD’s consciousness and when we Think Good, See Good, Hear Good, Speak Good and Do Good, our blood will transmit our good consciousness to every cells and organs resulting in a healthy body as all the cells are in perfect harmony when there are no conflicting thoughts between our good consciousness and evil consciousness.7

The influence of good consciousness or evil consciousness can come from another person as mentioned earlier. Hypnotherapy is presently used as an alternative healing method where the patient’s subconscious is being influenced to form new responses, thoughts, attitudes, behaviours or feeling.(24)Consciousness and to be worthy of your conscience. Transcript Date: 1995-06-03 Time: 21:46:03 to 21:48:25, Transcript Date: 1999-08-06 Time: 22:13:42 to 22:19:59 There is research in the field of telepathy that demonstrates that thoughts can be transferred to another person’s mind. Xian Sheng states that if we keep thinking that a person is good, that person may inadvertently turn out to be good. However, if we keep thinking that person is bad, then that person may eventually turn out to be bad. Therefore, we must practice to Think Good of a person and look at the good side of a person. If in the event we need to scold a person to change him or her to be better, we need to Think Good when scolding that person, as we want the person to change for good and not for bad.(25)Think that a person is good. Transcript Date: 1993-10-05

Thinking bad or evil does not mean that we have committed a sin. Xian Sheng demonstrated this by relating to us an experience where Xian Sheng was thinking of kicking a certain politician off his motorbike if that politician drives his motorbike too near his Xian Sheng’s Harley Davidson. However, Xian Sheng did not do what he was thinking and therefore thinking about doing a bad or evil deed is not a sin. However, if we keep thinking bad or evil thoughts, preferring to indulge the evil consciousness, we may eventually succumb to these thoughts and actually speak and do the evil deed. Xian Sheng said that the devil can never influence us if we do not let the devil into our thoughts and that would be to practice Think Good all the time.(26)Consciousness and to be worthy of your conscience. Transcript Date: 1995-06-03 Time: 21:46:03 to 21:48:25, Transcript Date: 1999-08-06 Time: 22:13:42 to 22:19:59

See Good and Hear Good

We will naturally See Good and Hear Good if we Think Good. Vice versa, if we see bad and hear bad, we would naturally think bad too. Our sight and hearing provide the most important input to our thought process. If we search for information by reading from books, the news media or the Internet, we will be accosted by all sorts of information and knowledge, some are good and useful while others are bad and useless. To See Good would be to search for information to increase our knowledge and understanding as stated by our 5th Spiritual Guidelines, i.e. Knowledge and Understanding.

When it comes to dealing with people and issues, especially if we serve as a mediator or even a judge, to See Good and Hear Good is to see the facts from all parties and listens to the arguments from all sides so that we can form a fair and just judgement instead of surmising or judging based on face value. Life may not be fair to us, but as a person who Fear Nothing except the CREATOR, we must ensure that we are fair to everyone to create a just society. Hear Good also means that we filter whatever we hear to confirm its authenticity and not contribute to rumour mongering.

Speak Good and Do Good

Speak Good in the highest sense of the term would be to preach BAITIANGONG to others so that we can help them save their soul.  Freedom of speech is recognised as a human right according to Article 19 of the universal declaration of human rights. Xian Sheng said that we can say anything including saying bad things about Xian Sheng, but we can never say that GOD is unfair. Your life is the cumulative result of the actions that you took and actions that others took and sometimes, life may deal you a bad hand. However, to blame GOD and say GOD is unfair will have far-reaching consequences upon your death. If you uttered that GOD is unfair to you during a dire situation, but subsequently regretted it and repented for it and practice Think Good, See Good, Hear Good, Speak Good and Do Good, you could still find yourself in hell as you once uttered that GOD is unfair. Therefore, you must think carefully about what you want to say, as you can never play the fool with GOD.(27)Don’t say the CREATOR is unfair. Transcript Date: 1993-07-11

Xian Sheng also warns us about a wolf in sheep’s clothing. A wolf in sheep’s clothing refers to a person or a false preacher that mixes truth and lies in speaking to the masses about praying to the CREATOR. We have seen a wolf in sheep’s clothing in the form of a BAITIANGONG sister that during meditation claims to be Xian Sheng’s consciousness and Xian Sheng’s consciousness is speaking to the masses using the mouth of that sister. She misleads the listeners by mixing the popular phrases used by Xian Sheng in the past and adds in heretical views. This wolf in sheep’s clothing has caused irreparable damage to the movement as it broke BAITIANGONG Universal Spiritual Movement into two separate movements against the strong and stern warning of Xian Sheng to never ever break up the movement. We could also be the wolf in sheep’s clothing when we quote “Xian Sheng says” when we preached to non-BAITIANGONG people. BAITIANGONG brothers and sisters are so used to quoting Xian Sheng that we may add words or sentences that Xian Sheng never actually said. Hence to Speak Good, we must have knowledge and understanding and conduct frequent spiritual discussion to get our facts correct in order not to misrepresent Xian Sheng in our zeal to preach BAITIANGONG.

Speaking is how we convey our thoughts, ideas and feelings to others and it can have either beneficial effects or detrimental effects on the listener. Therefore, if our intentions and purposes are positive, we must have care in our choice of words in order not to misrepresent, create confusion or stir up unnecessary problems. To Speak Good means not to spread rumours and lies or to speak obscenities and profanities or to curse others. Xian Sheng warns us never to curse as we ourselves could be on the receiving end of the curse. This is because if the curse fails to stick on the person being cursed, the curse will revert back to the originator.(28)Cheat or lie. Transcript Date: 1988-05-22, Transcript Date: 1993-08-15, Transcript Date: 1995-01-07, Transcript Date: 1998-12-29 Time: 20:02:09 to 20:06:17, Transcript Date: 1999-09-19 Time: 17:45:22 to 17:50:45, Transcript Date: 1999-12-25 Time: 11:35:47 to 11:38:44, Transcript Date: 1999-xx-xx Time: 13:06:00 to 15:34:00, Transcript Date: 2000-01-16 Time: 18:30:46 to 18:33:37

Do Good means to accumulate positive merits to go to heaven. You can Do Good in so many ways in BAITIANGONG with preaching to others as the highest good that you can do. If you are not good at speaking, you can donate money so that others with the capability to preach can travel everywhere including to overseas to preach. You could join them by wearing white when they preached to provide moral support and to project a good impression that BAITIANGONG has a large group of active followers. You could Do Good by participating in all BAITIANGONG activities like the anniversaries functions, blood donation, visitation or “chook fook” to homes of BAITIANGONG brothers and sisters. You could also increase your spiritual knowledge by joining spiritual discussions. Lastly, BAITIANGONG 24-hour fasting will let you practise doing good on a consistent basis.

On 1st of January 1995, Xian Sheng asked everyone to recall what he had mentioned in the past, that he does not want to know what bad deeds we have done as what is more important to Xian Sheng is what good deeds that we have done. There is a limit to how much bad deed we can do because there is law and order in our country. But when we pass away and leave this earthly plane, what is important to Xian Sheng is what good deeds we have done. This tells us that when we pass away eventually, we will face Xian Sheng and if we have not done enough good deeds during our live, Xian Sheng will not be able to help us as the Divine Law of Nature will run its natural course and we will end up in hell. However, if our good deeds are slightly lower than our bad deeds, Xian Sheng could help us by allowing us to go to heaven.(29)Xian Sheng wants to know what Good we have done. Transcript Date: 1995-01-01 Time: 17:41:44 to 17:42:59 Hence to make our life worthwhile in this present reincarnation, we must change ourselves to Think Good, See Good, Hear Good, Speak Good and Do Good and we must change until us Fear Nothing except the CREATOR.

Xian Sheng’s Quotation

“You must sincerely and faithfully follow all the Spiritual Guidelines to guide you in Life, otherwise you would not be able to resist temptations to sin because Man has already deviated from the once pure and holy life. Man has become too ‘Earth-bound’ and materialistic.”

“You believe me, if you pray, really, with your mind body and soul and if you Fear Nothing except the CREATOR.  And if you Think Good, See Good, Hear Good, Speak Good and Do Good. If you pray hard enough your prayer will be answered.”

“Prepare yourself against all these tests, place your full trust and faith in me and follow all my teachings (including Fear Nothing except the CREATOR. And if you ‘Think Good, See Good, Hear Good, Speak Good and Do Good’). There is no guarantee in you going to heaven if you do not pray to GOD with your mind body and soul. Pray to GOD is very simple as you only spend a few minutes a day, but your Examination in Life is very difficult because you will face much type of tests.”

“You live to go through an Examination in Life and you die to live. I have told him that he has not pass his Examination in Life. To pass his Examination in Life, he has first to Pray to the CREATOR, secondly to Fear Nothing except the CREATOR, and thirdly to Think Good, See Good, Hear Good, Speak Good and Do Good in BAITIANGONG.”

“TIANGONG has created for human to have a freedom of choice. When you Do Good or Do Bad, you would naturally ask yourself to if you have a consciousness. If you want to Do Good, Bad consciousness will tell you otherwise, if you want to Do Bad, good consciousness will tell you otherwise. See how you want to do it, you are the human, devil and saint. If you listen to the saint, you would follow the steps of the saints. If you listen to the devil, you would follow the steps of the devil. If you follow the devil, the devil will bring you.”

“You the human (is neutral) has both the good conscience (the Saint in you) and the bad conscience (the Devil in you).”

“Remember what I told you, I do not want to know what Bad deeds you have done but it is Important that I want to know the Good deeds that you have done”

“If you think that person is good, then that person will ultimately turn to be good. It is true. But, if you think that person is bad, then that person will ultimately turn to be bad.”

“The most important is to say when you Think Good, See Good, Hear Good, Speak Good and Do Good, the question is to ask yourself, if you are happy with what you think about, if you are happy with what you see about, if you are happy with what you hear about, if you are happy with what you speak about and if you are happy with what you do about.”

“I cannot do anything about it. If I tell you that you must Pray to The CREATOR till you must Think Good, See Good, Hear Good, Speak Good and Do Good. If you refuse to heed what I said, today you Pray to the CREATOR, but you Think Bad, See Bad, Hear Bad, Speak Bad and Do Bad, I cannot do anything about it. But it is important, you personally do it. It is you who must save yourself and nobody else can save you. Do you want to save your body and save your soul? Your body must do it, Think Good, See Good, Hear Good, Speak Good and Do Good is to save and protect your soul to have a chance to go to Heaven. You have to do it in person.”

“You are your own greatest enemy. Therefore, always have self-restraint and always be positive, i.e. Think Good, See Good, Hear Good, Speak Good and Do Good.”

“Do you that believe you yourself are your greatest enemy? The greatest enemy is your own-self.”

“But in BAITIANGONG, you realise on this earthly plane, you need not fear of anything, but you must fear TIANGONG, we fear the CREATOR. Fear is to fear to do bad deeds, to fear telling lies, to fear cheating others, to fear blaming others, all these you need to fear. Remember you need not fear anything”

“If you cheat and lie, how much can you cheat and lie”

“A person who really pray to GOD will not go to cheat people, especially to another person who has passed away.”

“Those who lie and cheat must be eliminated, especially those who lie”

“When you want to tell a lie, your good consciousness will tell you not to lie and your bad consciousness will tell you to lie.”

“I tell you honestly, if he truly BAITIANGONG, he will not take the oath in court to tell lies.”

“You here to BAITIANGONG, but on the other side keep telling lies to people.”

“We are directly praying to the CREATOR in BAITIANGONG and do not cheat or lie. If you want to write about me, write directly and do not cheat or lie. Just like myself, I do not believe those who cheat or lie. I hate cheaters or liars. If you want to speak, you speak the truth.”

“Life is what you make it to be. If you want to Do Good, GOD will allow you to do more good. If you want to Do Evil, GOD will allow you to do more Evil.”


1. How much good or bad can we do?

There is no limit to the goodness or badness that we can do. If we want to Do Good, GOD will allow us to do more good. If we want to do evil, GOD will allow us to do more evil. If we do more good, we may be granted with a higher plane of heaven, but if we do more bad, we may be granted with a lower plane of hell.

2. When do we know what is right or wrong?

When born, we would have both the good conscience and the bad conscience and when raised to a certain maturity, we will be able to distinguish between right and wrong and between good and bad. Before we Think Good, See Good, Hear Good, Speak Good and Do Good, our Bad consciousness will tell you otherwise. And before us Think Bad, See Bad, Hear Bad, Speak Bad, and Do Bad, our Good consciousness will tell you otherwise.(30)Consciousness and to be worthy of your conscience. Transcript Date: 1995-06-03 Time: 21:46:03 to 21:48:25, Transcript Date: 1999-08-06 Time: 22:13:42 to 22:19:59

3. What shall we do if we have lie and cheated?

Xian Sheng had continuously reminded us that every BAITIANGONG follower must Think Good, See Good, Hear Good, Speak Good and Do Good in order to be in the group of thirty percent to truly pray to the CREATOR and to attain a heavenly place for our soul. For this, Xian Sheng definitely knew who cheat or lie. Xian Sheng hates cheaters or liars and had repeatedly warned that we must not to cheat or lie. A person who cheat and lie is not a person who pray to GOD. If you need to speak tell the truth, or else do not say anything! If we have done lying and cheating, we must admit and correct ourselves. If we done and continue to do more lying and cheating, we would to have face the disastrous consequences after our Examination in Life. As such, in BAITIANGONG, it would be fair and justice.(31)Cheat or lie. Transcript Date: 1988-05-22, Transcript Date: 1993-08-15, Transcript Date: 1995-01-07, Transcript Date: 1998-12-29 Time: 20:02:09 to 20:06:17, Transcript Date: 1999-09-19 Time: 17:45:22 to 17:50:45, Transcript Date: 1999-12-25 Time: 11:35:47 to 11:38:44, Transcript Date: 1999-xx-xx Time: 13:06:00 to 15:34:00, Transcript Date: 2000-01-16 Time: 18:30:46 to 18:33:37



References   [ + ]

1. Fear Nothing except The CREATOR. Transcript Date: 1988-05-22, Transcript Date: 1993-08-06, Transcript Date: 1997-01-26
2, 3, 9, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26, 30. Consciousness and to be worthy of your conscience. Transcript Date: 1995-06-03 Time: 21:46:03 to 21:48:25, Transcript Date: 1999-08-06 Time: 22:13:42 to 22:19:59
4. Examination in Life. Transcript Date3: 1981-10-03, Transcript Date: 1994-11-06 Time: 18:27:29 to 18:27:53
5, 7. Fear injustice of law or losing jobs. Transcript Date: 1992-12-20 Time: 17:47:35 to 17:48:40, Transcript Date: 1993-08-06, Transcript Date: 1994-11-06 Time: 18:27:56 to 18:29:26, Transcript Date: 1995-11-25 Time: 08:31:25 to 08:33:44, Transcript Date: 1998-08-23 Time: 16:49:11 to 16:55:30, Transcript Date: 1998-11-20 Time: 23:10:44 to 23:20:13
6, 8, 28, 31. Cheat or lie. Transcript Date: 1988-05-22, Transcript Date: 1993-08-15, Transcript Date: 1995-01-07, Transcript Date: 1998-12-29 Time: 20:02:09 to 20:06:17, Transcript Date: 1999-09-19 Time: 17:45:22 to 17:50:45, Transcript Date: 1999-12-25 Time: 11:35:47 to 11:38:44, Transcript Date: 1999-xx-xx Time: 13:06:00 to 15:34:00, Transcript Date: 2000-01-16 Time: 18:30:46 to 18:33:37
10, 11. Examination in Life. Transcript Date: 1981-10-03, Transcript Date: 1994-11-06 Time: 18:27:29 to 18:27:53
12, 13, 16, 18, 20. Freedom of choice to listen to saint or devil. Transcript Date: 1994-11-06 Time: 18:27:29 to 18:29:26
22. To eat and think it is good. Transcript Date: 1993-06-27
25. Think that a person is good. Transcript Date: 1993-10-05
27. Don’t say the CREATOR is unfair. Transcript Date: 1993-07-11
29. Xian Sheng wants to know what Good we have done. Transcript Date: 1995-01-01 Time: 17:41:44 to 17:42:59

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